Image of Pharmacy into Sewage – Transvestites and Obscenities

on Monday, October 20, 2008

On the 18 October 2008, Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society Penang Area held a function, said to be Charity Dinner and Dance 2008. The theme of the night was “Because We Care”. With guest of honour was YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng, 42 inch television as Lucky Draw Grand Prize, chance to meet prominent figures related to pharmacy and many more, the function created high level of expectation. But, throughout the function, the expectation remains expectation only. It did become worse.
First of all, the dinner was totally unprofessional. There were dance performances by transvestites. The name of the group was Ika Fancy Dance Group KL. The idea of hiring transvestites to do performance throughout the night was a total stupid idea. I am not sure where the person keeps his brain when he suggested this group or maybe he or she don’t know anything about this group. Talking about the performances, their attire was totally sexy and in some instances indecent. Their action on the participants was so unacceptable. There was some point where some participants left the hall during the show. Some feel, it was almost like naked dances (they were not naked). The performances were absolutely insensitive to many people. There were people of various believe and position. More than 60 of them were students. How could people from some religions accept this? Some of them were in disgusted mood from the start till the end.
Next, the 2 games played. Game no. 1, a basket was tied to participant’s hip and a rope with a duck doll attached in the other end was tied to the basket. The task is to put the duck into the basket without using hand but by moving your body. The way to move is to move front and back quickly – just like when having sexual intercourse. The game no.2 is to pass cucumber from one to another person without using hand. The cucumber was placed between thighs and the next participant need to use his or her thighs to take the cucumber. For people present, the act was like frotting (to explicit to explain here-please check ‘frot’ in Wikipedia). This is how some of group of people felt watching all those uncivilized and nonsense action going on the stage. For sure, the dances and games were full of obscenities. Going back to the theme that is “Because We Care”, how would the association can say they care for others if they are insensitive to others feelings in the first place itself?
That was about the performances and games. Moving on to the problem of time management, the dinner was scheduled from 7.30pm – 10.20pm. However, the function ended at 11.45pm. Next, the Chief Minister should have arrived at 7.50pm but he reached at 8.30pm. Besides that, the master of ceremony was talking porn. His handling of the games arouses sexual thoughts through double meaning phrases. Nevertheless, the content of the function was empty. Nothing related to charity was carried out except few boxes carried around to collect donation.
The things that can be accoladed were the Lucky Draw and food. Almost all of the attended were satisfied with those 2 elements.
Watching all those nonsense and rubbish of the night, I just felt the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society Penang Area have dumped the image of pharmacy into sewage. The image of pharmacy that we all so proud about was made into disgust on that night. The society which should be responsible to improve the perspective of society towards the profession of pharmacy is destroying the good name our forefathers have left for us. If the Minister of Health was there to watch what happened, he would have dropped the idea of dispensing rights from the ministry’s planning. (However, if we look from the positive angle, we can see how much support and opportunity the organizer gave to the development of transvestites and obscenities in Malaysia – Well done, all the pharmacists are going to be proud of you.)
As a conclusion, the night was a shameful event. Next time around, the organizer must be more responsible and sensitive. They should always remember, respect others if you want to be respected. All I have expressed is only to point the mistakes so they can improve. The intention is to develop our pharmacy profession. If anyone felt being hurt directly or indirectly, I am not going to say sorry because that shows you are guilty. As a Malay phrase says, SIAPA MAKAN CILI, DIA RASA PEDAS. Ouchhh…..


Anonymous said...

OMG!!That is too much..out of so many games,how can they create such games?i never knew that such games do exist..Moreover,it is a formal charity dinner by mps penang..what a daring act..unbelievable

@kelantanstreet said...

What the hell? Totally irrelevant, absurd and crazy?

U call that charity dinner? Pfft...feel like attending tiger show but with bapok around...

Something is wrong...this is so unprofessional...the dance performance was terrible...the mc sucks...the game show is crazy...and simply say the dinner was really a BAD and PHAILED event...

X kira la menteri ke, prof ke, datuk ke, ada phd ke...pangkat tinggi2 ke...

I strongly disrespect those with no morale :(

Anonymous said...

actually, prof.Yuen(chairman MPS-PAC)n chairman MPS-PAC)did not noe anything bout da stupid dancers...they were cheated by others(org tengah) who in charge bout da group dancers..