Regarding the matter stated above, I would like to invite you to attend MyPSA’S 4th meeting for session 2008/2010. The details of the meeting are as follows:-
Date : 28th February 2009
Time : 9 a.m – 5 p.m.
Venue : Asean Institute of Management Science and Technology (AIMST)
2. The agendas that will be discussed are:
1. Progress of Student Exchange Program
2. Progress of Yahoo group
3. Updates on affiliation with MPS ( Financial status and other matter)
4. Progress of subcommittees selection
5. MyPSA Pilot Project
6. Progress of APPS
7. Arising Matter
3. Please extend this invitation to your assistants or representative in case you are unable to attend the meeting. Optimistically, we will be able to sit down and come up with ideas to go about all the agenda topics. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Malaysian Pharmacy Student’s Association ( MyPSA )
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