This World AIDS Day - 1 Dec
Take action to tackle HIV prejudice and to protect yourself and others from HIV transmission.
Over 90,000 people are living with HIV in the UK and new infections continue every year. Explore this site to ensure you understand the facts about HIV and find out what you can do to ACT AWARE.
Why do I need to ACT AWARE?
Being aware of the facts about HIV and acting on that knowledge to inform your behaviour are vital steps in taking care of your own health and wellbeing, the health and wellbeing of others, and ensuring you treat everyone living with HIV fairly and with understanding.
Many people do not understand all the ways HIV is transmitted, how it can be prevented, the reality of living with HIV today, or the fact that the number of people diagnosed with HIV has been increasing in the UK.
HIV prejudice is still an issue in the UK
There is still a great deal of stigma about HIV, often as a result of ignorance about how HIV is transmitted, judgements being made about people living with HIV, a lack of understanding of what it’s like to live with HIV, or an unfounded fear of becoming infected.
Stigma or prejudice about HIV in society means that people with HIV can find it difficult to tell others about it. Some have to deal with rejection from friends, family or colleagues, or even experience verbal and physical abuse. Even the fear of stigma can stop some people with HIV from telling others, getting a new job, or even dating.
Protect yourself and others from HIV infection
Approximately 90,000 people are living with HIV in the UK, and over a quarter of those people don’t know they have the virus. Despite more people than ever before living with HIV in the UK, knowledge about HIV among the general public is low.
Understanding how HIV is transmitted and knowing your HIV status is very important for protecting yourself and your partner. Make sure you know the HIV facts from the myths or take our HIV quiz to find out if you have put yourself at risk of HIV.
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